Through Faith Missions > Archive > 6 Big Questions > 6 - Do I have to go to church? > What makes a 'good' church?

We are a member of the Evangelical Alliance, the largest body serving evangelical Christians in the UK: working for a united Church, confident in voice and inspired for mission, We subscribe to the Evangelical Alliance basis of faith.

What makes a 'good' church?


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This clip explains how a church can lose its way – and by implication – explains one key thing needed for a church to function well.   
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We looked earlier at the history of denominations. Fact: they exist and they aren’t all about to merge. Which one should you choose? It doesn’t really matter. There are good churches in all denominations. Ask yourself: is there a welcome, signs of the love of God, teaching that takes the Bible seriously?
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Churches can be quiet or noisy, traditional or modern, focused on preaching or sacraments, small or large, with music led by organ or rock band, etc. You will doubtless gravitate to the style that suits you best but this shouldn’t be like a ‘shopping decision’. The point is: a good church can take any of these forms.


Christians are often acutely aware that their churches could be better places, both for regulars and new people. Have a look at this website (ncd-uk) this organisation helps churches to become more welcoming and loving communities. 



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Six Big Questions                             Rev John Hibberd