Through Faith Missions > Archive > 6 Big Questions > 6 - Do I have to go to church? > Questions / notes for groups

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What makes a 'good' church: questions / notes for groups


Watch this short video clip: Back to Church Sunday 2011 Promo 
We started with the question: do I have to go to church? Which of the excuses on the video resonates with you personally? What do you make of the responses? 
Discuss as a group.
  Picture video

2 A key issue throughout this section has been the fact that faith is both personal and yet lived out in community. This challenges all forms of individualistic spirituality. This includes the person who wants to explore their own path through books etc. But I could also argue that it raises questions for some who attend church; I have in mind those who attend small brief services with no hymns or sermon and who choose not to interact with anyone else present – what has been called a sort of ‘beam my up, Scotty’ approach to worship! Have they fully embraced Christian faith?
Watch this short clip: Being a follower of Jesus
This takes the discussion on to another level in my opinion! What do you make of it?
  Picture video
Finally a bit of ‘homework’! If you don’t normally go to church, why not try one? You can usually find them by searching the Internet for churches in your town. If you do attend, why not try another church and see what you learn from a different experience?
Use the email address below to give feedback / ask questions to the author, whose views these pages reflect
Six Big Questions                             Rev John Hibberd