Through Faith Missions > Archive > 6 Big Questions > 1 - Science and faith > Relationship between science and faith > How old is the universe / the Earth

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How old is the universe, the Earth?


Picture video  
Watch these video clips:
sun rising over moon  
The point made in the videos and agreed by vast majority of scientists is that the universe is 13.7 billion years old and the Earth is more than 4 billion years old. This is supported by evidence from a wide range of diverse scientific observations. For example, in the case of the Earth, rock deposits, magnetic field fluctuation, radioactive decay, and so on. 
Why is this important? Those who want to argue for a literal interpretation of Genesis and along with this a very young Earth (4004 BC or certainly less than 10000 years old) have to claim that the evidence from a huge range of scientific disciplines is flawed or fabricated.
This is simply unreasonable, particularly as the scientists supporting this evidence include
believers and the evidence has not been produced to discredit faith, even if some choose to
use it in that way.

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Six Big Questions                             Rev John Hibberd